- Ask a Lawyer business related questions including business structures, commercial agreements, employment, estate planning, intellectual property protection, asset protection and buy/sell business, options and startup investments.
- Sale!Company Documents Package includes Company Constitution, Minutes & General Documents only. The registration documents package consists of Company Constitution plus Consent to act as Director, Consent to act as Secretary, Consent to become Member, Notice of Appointment of Public Officer, Share Certificate, Registers of Directors & Secretary, Share Register of Members, Register of Option Holders, Register of Debenture Holders, and Minutes of Incorporation. These are essential documents for incorporating your company.
- Our Online Business legal services offering gives you the opportunity to discuss your document concerns with our solicitor, including changes to Trust Deed or amendments and/or variations to Company Documents .
- Our Online Business legal services offering gives you the opportunity to discuss your document concerns with our solicitor, including changes to Trust Deed or amendments and/or variations to Company Documents .
Family Trust Trustee PACKAGE
A comprehensive discretionary (family) trust set up solution. Corporate trustee ACN registration and all the trust documents and registrations your trust needs to get started.